FY19 DoD Congressional Budget Report

Now Available from DTIC!
Check out the House Approved FY 2019 Defense Bill and Senate Armed Services Committee (SASC) markup of the FY19 National Defense Authorization Bill.
The Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC) posted the House Armed Services Committee Report on the FY19 National Defense Authorization Bill, House Report 5515, to the DoD Congressional Budget Data website and the DTIC R&E Gateway. To facilitate the timely analysis of Congressional budget decisions the reformatted budget data for all DoD-related Congressional markup activities is posted to the DTIC site within days of its release on Congress.gov. The posted reports, available in PDF and Excel formats, are divided into four parts: (1) Research, Development, Test and Evaluation (RDT&E); (2) Procurement; (3) Operation and Maintenance; and (4) Personnel.
DTIC Posts House Committee on Appropriations and Senate Armed Services Committee reports on the FY 2019 Defense Authorization Bill to DoD Congressional Budget Website
Public Affairs –Â 2 July 2018
FORT BELVOIR, Va – The Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC) has posted the House Committee on Appropriations, FY 2019 Defense ppropriations Bill, (Report 115) and the Senate Armed Services Committee, The John S. McCain National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2019, (Report 115- 262), both can be found on the DoD Congressional Budget Data website and on the R&E Gateway To facilitate the timely analysis of Congressional budget decisions, DTIC scans, converts, and posts the budget data for all DoD-related Congressional markups on its sites. The posted reports, available in PDF and Excel formats, are divided into four parts: (1) Research, Development, Test and Evaluation (RDT&E); (2) Procurement; (3) Operation and Maintenance; and (4) Personnel.
The DoD Congressional Budget Data website is just one of many DTIC resources available to the DoD RDT&E community, federal agencies and DoD contractors. Additional web-accessible budget products can be found (under Budget) on DTIC’s R&E Gateway
The Congressional Budget Queries website provides search and analysis of the RDT&E data by program element (PE), title or increases and decreases. You can also review summary data by fiscal year, report type and budget activity.
The DoD Investment Budget (R-2s and P-40s) offers a search of DoD RDT&E and procurement investment budget justification narratives from the President’s Budget Request. Also available is a trend analysis of requested vs. appropriated dollars for the past eight years.