2024 Pacific Operational Science & Technology (POST) Conference
March 3-7, 2025

INDOPACOM-Related Papers on www.DTIC.mil

The Future of Indo-Pacific Information Warfare: Challenges and Prospects from the Rise of AI

R. Hanson, A. Grissom, C. Mouton; RAND Corporation

Chinese Foreign Investment and the Threat to INDOPACOM Theater Posture

Lt. Col. Ryan Schiffner

Harnessing Advanced Manufacturing Special Operations and Partner Force Success in the Info-Pacific

J. Brooks, G. Lillich; Naval Postgraduate School

Conference Themes on DTIC.mil

Navy Shipboard Lasers: Background and Issues for Congress

Ronald O’Rouke; Library of Congress

Digital Transformation Toolkit for SMMs: Accelerating Adoption of Digital Manufacturing

Michael Thurston; MXD

Countering Small Unmanned Aircrafts Systems With Advanced Data Analysis and Machine Learning

Robert Miske; Naval Postgraduate School

More on www.DTIC.mil

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OUSD(R&E) on the Web

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AI/ML Tools Available at DTIC

Check out DTIC’s new public AI/ML search tools powered by Minsky and Dimensions on Discover.DTIC.mil.

Conference Speakers on www.DTIC.mil

Dr. Kate Sixt

Beyond Biological Defense Biotech in U.S. National Security and Great Power Competition

Dr. Charlene Stokes

Discovering Leap-Ahead Technologies for Future Military Teaming

Dr. Mark Spencer

Australian-US Directed Energy Program (AUSDEP)

Journal of DoD Research and Engineering (JDR&E)

Explore the latest special edition of the Journal of DoD Research and Engineering (JDR&E), which focuses on the Joint Hypersonics Transition Office. A SIPR version of this special edition is also available. This issue, Volume 7, Issue 4, highlights the work of the DoD's Joint Hypersonics Transition Office. The NIPR version features 17 controlled unclassified articles, while the SIPR issue contains five classified articles.

Defense S&T Spotlight

DTIC’s Defense S&T Spotlight compiles news and updates relevant to DoD and the research and engineering community.

The quarterly publication also highlights DTIC resources empowering readers to better analyze, shape, and share science and technology efforts.

Some links in the newsletter require CAC, PIV or ECA access to the R&E Gateway and, once on that site, credentials control the type of information accessible.

Read the latest edition.

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