Public Access Requirements Incorporated into the DoD STIP

DTIC Public Affairs | February 8, 2019
Fort Belvoir, VA – A new version of DoD Instruction 3200.12, “DoD Scientific and Technical Information Program (STIP), Change 3,” was published December 17th, 2018.
The submission of DoD-funded journal articles to the Defense Technical Information Center is now required. The author’s final peer reviewed manuscript is to be submitted to DTIC as soon as the publication date is known. To ensure publishers recognize federally funded research it is vital that DoD authors of journal articles indicate their research was funded by the Department in the acknowledgements section. DTIC will comply with the appropriate embargo period and release the manuscript to the public in accordance with the license specified by the publisher. DoD benefits from broader access to peer reviewed journal articles resulting from research funded by DoD.
A Data Management Plan (DMP) describing the scientific data expected to be created or gathered in the course of a research project must be submitted to DTIC at the start of each research effort. It is important that DoD researchers document plans for preserving data at the outset, keeping in mind the potential utility of the data for future research or to support transition to operational or other environments. Otherwise, the data is lost as researchers move on to other efforts. The essential descriptive elements of the DMP are listed in section 3 of DoDI 3200.12, although the format of the plan may be adjusted to conform to standards established by the relevant scientific discipline or one that meets the requirements of the responsible Component.
With these changes Public Access* is now officially part of the DoD STIP. Directive-type Memorandum (DTM) 17-002, “Public Access to the Results of DoD Intramural Basic Research Published in Peer Reviewed Scholarly Publications,” published in 2017 as a temporary measure, has been cancelled. The DoD Public Access requirements now apply to all research areas covered by DoDI 3200.12.
* The Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) mandate for public access to federally funded research results requires that agencies with large R&D budgets make journal articles available to the public after a 12-month embargo period.
To submit peer reviewed manuscripts:
If you have a CAC/PIV/ECA smart card use
Otherwise, use the Multi-Agency Submission Interface
The Defense Technical Information Center serves the DoD as the largest central resource for the collection, preservation, protection and sharing of unclassified, controlled unclassified and classified technical information to authorized military, industry, educational institutions, other government agencies, and the public. DTIC also manages the Information Analysis Centers, which provide essential technical analysis and data support to a diverse customer base, to include the Combatant Commands, the Office of the Secretary of Defense, Defense agencies, and the Military Services. We keep the Defense research, development, test and evaluation workforce informed, knowledgeable, agile and responsive. Visit us online at or with a CAC at