Department of Defense and Department of Energy create a joint submission site for public access journal articles

DTIC Public Affairs | September 27, 2018
Fort Belvoir, VA – Through a partnership between the Department of Defense (DoD)/Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC), the Department of Energy (DOE)/Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), and the Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA) within the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), multi-agency funded award recipients now have a single point of submission for public access journal articles. This new interface at, allows a researcher to fulfill their responsibility to submit the author’s final peer-reviewed manuscript, as well as the metadata required for each agency, and the Digital Object Identifier (DOI) to the published version of the paper. Providing a common submission interface reduces the burden on multi-agency funded researchers, as they can submit to any or all three agencies at once.
The creation of the interface supports the 2013 Office of Science and Technology (OSTP) Public Access Memo that aims to accelerate the dissemination of federally-funded research results, advance the frontiers of knowledge, and promote economic growth through research. As such, all federal agencies with more than $100M in annual research and development expenditures are obligated to support increased public access to research results funded by the federal government. This includes results published in peer-reviewed scholarly publications and digitally formatted scientific data arising from unclassified unlimited research. OSTP continues to view public access to federally-funded research as a priority, as do many other government and private funders throughout the world.
DoD’s partnership with DOE and ODNI represents an important step in streamlining researchers’ submissions across federal agencies.
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