01 |
Ammunition and Explosives |
Projectiles, fuzes, demolition explosives, detonators, grenades, high explosives, primers, ammunition propellants, ammunition shaped charges, and ammunition handling equipment. For CBR ordnance items, See 15/06/03, Chemical, Biological and Radiological Warfare. For nuclear weapons, See 19/11, Nuclear Weapons. For guided missile ordnance items, See 16/03, Guided Missile Warheads and Fuzes. For ammunition and explosives storage, See 15/05, Logistics, Military Facilities and Supplies. For land mines, See 15/06/06, Land Mine Warfare. For naval mines, See 19/08, Underwater Ordnance. |
01/01 |
Pyrotechnics |
Production, performance, stability in storage of incendiaries, pyrotechnics, screening agents and smokes; Flame throwers; Flares; Pyrotechnic ammunition; Illuminating ordnance; Obscuration devices. Includes incendiary bombs, smoke bombs and photoflash bombs. For the storage of pyrotechnics, See 15/05, Logistics, Military Facilities and Supplies. |
02 |
Aerial Bombs |
High explosive, fragmentation, antipersonnel, armor piercing, and general purpose bombs; Bomb handling equipment such as bomb handling vehicles. Includes bomblets and air-dropped submunitions. For CBR bombs, See 15/06/03, Chemical, Biological and Radiological Warfare. For nuclear bombs, See 19/11, Nuclear Weapons. For bomb directors and bomb release mechanisms, See 19/05, Fire Control and Bombing Systems. For hydrobombs, See 19/08, Underwater Ordnance. For guided bombs, See 19/13, Guided Munitions. |
03 |
Combat Vehicles |
Armored wheeled and track laying military vehicles for both cargo and personnel; Heavy, light and medium tanks; Tank chassis used as gun carriers, their components and accessories. |
04 |
Armor |
Design, testing and performance of armor, armor plate, and body armor, including bullet proof, flak proof, explosion proof, and fragment proof devices and related equipment. For other types of protective equipment, See 23/04, Protective Equipment. See also 18/06, Nuclear Radiation Shielding, Protection and Safety. |
05 |
Fire Control and Bombing Systems |
Fire control computers, sights, directors, range finders, gunlaying and bombing radar systems, bomb releases and other devices used to direct the firing of weapons or the dropping of bombs. Includes gunnery and target practice. For torpedo fire control systems, See 19/08/01, Torpedoes. |
06 |
Guns |
Small arms, automatic weapons, recoilless weapons, mortars, artillery and naval guns, their components, and accessories; Gun carriages; Gun mounts; Projectile launchers. For interior ballistics, See 19/10, Ballistics. |
07 |
Rockets |
Unguided, self-propelled projectiles whose trajectory or course cannot be altered after launch; Ground, air and ship launched rockets, launchers and launch support equipment. For CBR rockets, See 15/06/03, Chemical, Biological and Radiological Warfare. For sounding rockets, see the field of application. For rocket engines, See 21/08, Rocket Engines. For rocket propellants, See 21/09, Rocket Propellants. |
08 |
Underwater Ordnance |
Naval mines; Depth charges; Hydrobombs; Antisubmarine ammunition including weapon projectors, launching devices, support equipment and countermeasures; Naval mine field clearance equipment. |
08/01 |
Torpedoes |
Torpedo guidance and control systems; Launching devices and support equipment; Countermeasures and counter countermeasures. |
09 |
Explosions |
Explosion effects such as blast, shock waves, detonation waves, cratering, ground motion or movement. Includes target vulnerability and damage assessment studies. For the effects of nuclear explosions, and nuclear explosion simulations, See 18/03, Nuclear Explosions and Devices(Non-military) and 19/11, Nuclear Weapons. For damage done to biological systems by explosives and weapons, See 06/14, Weapons Effects (Biological). |
10 |
Ballistics |
The study of motion, behavior and aerodynamics of projectiles thrown or launched by ordnance projectors; Interior, exterior and terminal ballistics. |
11 |
Nuclear Weapons |
Design and development of nuclear devices for military purposes; Testing of nuclear weapons; Studies of the nonbiological effects of nuclear weapons, such as explosion effects. Includes the generation of electromagnetic pulses by nuclear weapons. For the biological effects of nuclear weapons, See 06/07, Radiobiology. For radiation pollution, See 24/06, Radiation Pollution and Control. For storage, transport, security and use of nuclear weapons, See 15/06/04, Nuclear Warfare. For guided missile nuclear warheads, See 16/03, Guided Missile Warheads and Fuzes. |
12 |
Directed Energy Weapons |
High energy lasers, such as continuous wave, repetitively pulsed, and single pulse, for tactical and strategic applications; Charged and neutral particle beam weapons. Includes energy generators, beam handling and control, target effects and countermeasures. |
13 |
Guided Munitions |
Terminally guided, wire guided and laser guided munitions. Includes guided bombs, and cannon launched guided projectiles. For guided missiles, see Field 16, Guided Missile Technology. |