DTIC Thesaurus Subject Categories
DTIC® has identified 25 broad subject fields and 251 groups to categorize the areas of scientific and technical interest. These fields and groups provide the structure for the subject grouping of technical reports in DTIC's collection and are used to define the areas of need-to-know in distributing these reports. Through this site, you will find the subject coverage for each subject category, as well as cross-references to related fields and groups.
01. Aviation Technology
02. Agriculture
03. Astronomy and Astrophysics
04. Atmospheric Sciences
05. Behavioral and Social Sciences
06. Biological and Medical Sciences
07. Chemistry
08. Earth Sciences and Oceanography
09. Electrotechnology and Fluidics
10. Power Production and Energy Conversion (Nonpropulsive)
11. Materials
12. Mathematical and Computer Sciences
13. Mechanical, Industrial, Civil and Marine Engineering
14. Test Equipment, Research Facilities and Reprography
15. Military Sciences
16. Guided Missile Technology
17. Navigation, Detection and Countermeasures
18. Nuclear Science and Technology
19. Ordnance
20. Physics
21. Propulsion, Engines and Fuels
22. Space Technology
23. Biotechnology
24. Environmental Pollution and Control
25. CommunicationsÂ
Subject Categorization Guide for Defense Science & Technology
Alphabetical Index to the SCG, February 2025
Numeric Index to the SCG, February 2025